This time of year in Texas can be horrible for those of us suffering with allergies. With the weather going from hot one day to freezing the next and then back to warm, our bodies don't know what to do other than get sick. Weather can affect our immune systems whether we like it or not. From the common cold, flu, or chronic sinusitis, we need all we can get to stay healthy and keep our immune systems functioning at max capacity.
Before I get into the bulk of this post, did you know seeing your chiropractor regularly can help your immune system? "But chiropractors only work with bones", you say? Well, what is the master control unit to the human body? Answer: the brain. How does the brain tell the body what to do, how to move, how to react to foreign bodies, how to deal with bacteria and viruses? Answer: through the nervous system. What structure houses the main parts of the nervous system: the brain and spinal cord? Answer: the spinal bones (aka vertebrae)! A chiropractor keeps the vertebral bones in proper alignment so the nervous system can function without any interference. When the spine is free of misalignments and blockages the nervous system works freely and our immune system can keep us healthy through all these crazy weather changes.
With that said, we can now move on to the main point: chronic sinusitis. You would be surprised, but chronic sinusitis can be a cause of neck pain, on top of the running nose, watery eyes, and intense sinus pressure and pain.
I read this article by ChiroTrust and had to share. Read on and stay informed!
"The connection between our sinuses and headaches is well established, but what about the relationship between neck pain and our sinuses? Is there a connection?
Sinusitis is very common in the spring when pollen counts are high and times when the cold and flu are rampant. It usually manifests with a clear runny nose and pain over the affected sinuses and other “histamine” related symptoms (watery eyes, sneezing, etc.)
They Mayo Clinic states at least two of four primary symptoms of chronic sinusitis (CS) need to be present to confirm a CS diagnosis: 1) thick, discolored nasal discharge or drainage down the back of the throat (post-nasal drip); 2) nasal obstruction due to congestion that interferes with nasal breathing; 3) pain, tenderness, and swelling in the eyes, face, nose, forehead; 4) a reduced sense of taste and smell in adults and a cough in children.
Other CS symptoms can include: 1) ear pain; 2) jaw or teeth pain; 3) cough – often worse at night; 4) sore throat; 5) bad breath (halitosis); 6) fatigue; 7) irritability; 8) nausea; and 9) neck pain. Acute sinusitis has similar signs and symptoms when compared with CS, but they are short-lived. Symptoms that warrant a primary care consideration include: 1) high fever; 2) severe headache; 3) mental confusion; 4) visual changes – double vision, blurriness, etc.; and 5) profound neck pain and stiffness.
Causation of CS include: 1) Nasal polyps; 2) deviated septum; or 3) other medical conditions (cystic fibrosis complications, gastroesophageal reflux or HIV and other autoimmune system-related diseases) that can block the nasal passage.
Risk factors for CS include: 1) nasal passage conditions (polyps, deviated septum), 2) asthma; 3) aspirin sensitivity (due to respiratory problems); 4) immune system disorder (HIV/AIDS or cystic fibrosis); 5) hay fever/allergies; 6) pollutant exposure (air pollution, cigarette smoke).
Complications of CS: 1) meningitis; 2) infection migration such as to the bones (osteomyelitis) or to the skin (cellulitis); 3) sense of smell loss (partial or complete “anosmia”); 4) vision problems (including blindness).
Many are not aware that neck pain and stiffness and jaw or teeth pain are symptoms of CS. Condition like this are a reminder that it’s important for both the doctor and patient to be aware of ALL the symptoms present, even if they seem like they aren’t connected. While doctors of chiropractic are trained to look for non-mechanical causes for neck pain when a patient seeks care, it makes it easier if the patient is forthcoming with all their symptoms, even the ones that don’t’ seem relevant.
The good news is that doctors of chiropractic are trained to manage CS and can offer patient advie on lifestyle changes that may reduce the risk of the infection recurring. Furthermore, chiropractors often work with allied healthcare professionals when antibiotics or other measures are needed."
Authored by ChiroTrust on December 6, 2016